The Community Admires Second Chance Wildlife Center
Second Chance Wildlife Center Leadership
Staff Leadership:
Staff Leadership:
Board of Directors:
Kenneth R. Button, AM, MBA, Ph.D. is Chairman of the Board of Directors of SCWC. He has retired from a career in international trade and finance. His current dedication to the compassionate care of wildlife in need is an extension of his childhood fascination with their diversity and splendor. His goal as a Board Director is to assist SCWC in making optimal use of its new facility in Clarksburg, MD as it provides excellent medical and rehabilitative care to an expanding array of wildlife species. He also hopes to assist SCWC in using its naturalist expertise to promote public appreciation of the value of wildlife to the Maryland community and how it can best be preserved and enhanced to the benefit of all.
Janice Hazlehurst retired from a career in telecommunications product and project management. She has a long-standing relationship with the Best Friends Animal Sanctuary in Utah and volunteers at a horse rescue near Clarksburg, MD. Janice learned of Second Chance Wildlife Center when seeking advice regarding a fawn in her garage (the mom came back for it, just like the Second Chance wildlife expert said she would). As a member of the Second Chance Wildlife Center Board, Janice is happy to be part of a team that cares about and promotes the welfare of wild creatures.
Carol is a CPA who specializes in non-profit audit and accounting and volunteers her time to SCWC as Treasurer. She first became interested in SCWC over 15 years ago and joined the board in 2014. She is happy to help, especially when it comes to baby squirrel feedings! She and her wife live in Montgomery Village and have 1 dog and 2 cats in a home that currently has a hawk’s nest in the back yard. Getting to see the wildlife in the area out the window or from the deck provides great joy.
Jane B. Acri Ph.D is a scientist working on the development of new medications for the treatment of substance use disorders and overdose at the National Institute on Drug Abuse, part of NIH. She has published a number of scientific papers and book chapters on this and related topics and has taught psychopharmacology at UMBC. She supports many animal rescue organizations and lives with two naughty but loveable beagles, Clooney and Klinger, who love to go hiking with her in local parks.
Harriett founded the Institute for Soviet American Relations (ISAR) in 1982, which helped build civil society in the Soviet Union by supporting grassroots environmental groups for 20 years until Putin came to power. She attended Pitzer College and received their distinguished alumni award. She has a Master’s degree in Psychology from Temple University and has been trained as a Jungian psychoanalyst at the C.G. Jung Institute in Zurich. She worked as a mountaineering instructor for Colorado Outward Bound School and taught at Putney School in Vermont. She worked in the White House Office of Environmental Policy during the Clinton Administration. Harriett is a wildlife rehabilitator, and she stewards Fox Haven Organic Farm & Ecological Learning Center.
Susan McCurdy, CMCA, PCAM is on the Board of Directors for SCWC, and CEO of Community Association Services, Inc, a property management company operating in MD, VA and DE. A long-time animal rescue volunteer, she is a lover of all animals and supporter of many domestic and international rescue organizations. An expert in management and operation of real estate and small businesses, Susan’s top goal is to use her contacts and experience to help SCWC complete construction of a state-of-the-art medical facility in Clarksburg, MD for the care of the many wild animals in need.
Barry Meil is an entrepreneur who started and ran several businesses in the DCVAMD area during his career. In addition, he has served on the board of directors of several non-profit organizations over the past 20 years. Barry has been married to his wife Wendy for 45 years. They have one son, three grandsons and a rambunctious husky. They first discovered Second Chance when they found a baby squirrel in their yard.
After leaving the US Army in 1989, Chuck started his career as an engineer designing mechanical, electrical, plumbing and fire protection systems for commercial, institutional, and residential buildings of various sizes and complexity, which lead into starting his own company since 2006. In addition to his collection of critters at home (dogs, cats and turtles), he enjoys spending time outdoors, including weekend walks with his dogs along the C&O Canal. Seeing the diversity of flora and fauna, he has come to respect the need and requirement in keeping our natural world protected. As such, he is also a member/supporter of the Izaak Walton League. He supports Second Chance Wildlife Center (SCWC) as a worthy cause, and he sees his construction experience as an opportunity to make a positive impact in SCWC’s future.
Lucas is an attorney specializing in construction law. Litigating in the courtroom is where Lucas feels at home, but he gets the most satisfaction from assisting clients with their business and resolving disputes well before litigation is necessary. Lucas builds trust and relationships with his clients by providing advice and guidance through difficult times. Lucas’ father was Richard Farinato, and his step-mother was Sue Lunson Farinato. Richard’s career involved animals, and his professional accomplishments included working for many years in Zoos and ultimately serving as the Director of Captive Wildlife for the Humane Society of the US in Gaithersburg, a position he held for well over a decade before retiring. Sue always was involved in animal welfare and rights. Her activities included volunteering with Second Chance Wildlife Center in a number of capacities. When Richard and Sue passed, Lucas wanted to contribute something to the causes that they held as important and meaningful in their life, and he is pleased to be able to do so by supporting the organization that Sue devoted a lot of time to and that Richard always held in high esteem. In 2024, Lucas was named a 2024 LEADER IN LAW by The Daily Record and the Maryland State Bar Association honor outstanding legal professionals across Maryland who are serving businesses, clients, and individuals and making communities stronger.
Board of Directors:

Annual Report